If you need to share data from a project or task to non-CAFLOU users (e.g. timesheets, invoices, tasks overview, comments, etc.), for example to clients, you can now securely share selected data using the "Share" feature available for tasks and projects.

  • The feature is only available in the "Dolphin" plan.
  • The user must have the "Can share tasks / projects externally" access right in order to share the task / project.
  • The user can only share such tasks and projects and only such data from tasks and projects to which he has access.
  • An externally shared task or project is read-only, no data can be changed through the shared link.
  • The link can always be edited or deleted.
  • All shared links can be seen (and deleted) in the "Shared Objects" report in the "User Management" section.

By sharing, you will create a link to an online "tab" of the project or task, which will contain exactly the information you have decided to share âž¡ Sample shared project (if you are logged in CAFLOU, clicking on the link will log you out of the application, it may be more convenient to open the link in an incognito window)

Watch a video tutorial on the task and project sharing feature:

How to share projects and tasks externally 📺

We hope you enjoy this new feature, which will allow you to be more efficient.